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Dimensions of Wellness

Health practices stem from various wellness dimensions.  Proactively embedding health practices into our daily routines bolsters our resiliency.  Remember: Self-care is not selfish, but essential to your well-being and those around you.

Is your wheel balanced? 
Take the Wellness Wheel Self-Assessment to find out and then develop your own self-care action plan.

Open each wellness dimension accordion below to access ideas and resources to support your self-care and well-being.

  • Physical

    Physical activity is a key component of a healthy lifestyle and the need extends beyond the workplace. It is important to take breaks from sitting and being physically active is one of the most important actions that a person can take to improve or maintain their health.

  • Social

    Social wellness involves developing communication skills, building healthy relationships, and creating a support system of family, friends, and peers. Having good social wellness contributes to our resilience, self-esteem, and a sense of belonging.

  • Vocational

    Involves using your skills, talents, and gifts to gain personal satisfaction, happiness, and enrichment from your work to live a fulfilling life. Vocational wellness also refers to seeking out endeavors such as volunteerism and interests that are rewarding, provide meaning and enact positive change.

  • Environmental

    Refers to how the environment impacts our wellness and involves learning about—and contributing to—the health of our workplace and our planet. Environmental wellness promotes connecting with nature, establishing a sustainable lifestyle, protecting natural resources, eliminating waste and reducing environmental triggers in the workplace.

  • Financial

    Involves the ability to meet financial obligations, feeling secure about your financial future and making choices that allow you to enjoy life. Financial struggles are a common source of stress and anxiety and can impact all aspects of wellness.

    For Pension Plan Members:
    Request a personal advisor meeting at

  • Spiritual

    Involves developing a set of guiding values, morals, principles, and beliefs that give direction to one’s life by providing a sense of meaning, and purpose. While spirituality may involve engaging in religious practice, it's not required to achieve spiritual wellness.

  • Mental

    Includes all aspects of mental health and emotional wellbeing. It includes how you feel, think and cope with challenges in your daily life. Mental wellness also includes the ability to experience a range of human emotions and to develop positive feelings about yourself. Mental wellness can impact all other dimensions of wellness.

Resources Supporting Multiple Wellness Dimensions

Ontario Tech University's Employee Assistance Program (EAP), TELUS Health, is more than counselling services, supporting multiple dimensions of wellness through financial, legal, and nutrition consultation, LIFT fitness videos, and much more!  The EAP is available 24/7/365 to employees and their dependents by calling 1.844.671.3327.  Additional resources can be found on the TELUS Health One App.  If you haven't received your email invite to join, please email wellnessatwork@ontariotechu.cato have your invitation resent.

Sun Life is more than a benefits provider.  Access their Tools and Resources webpagefor articles, tips, and tools to help you manage our health & wellness and money & finances.