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Human Resources (HR) Leadership
Jamie Bruno, Vice President, People and Transformation
Beth Partlow, Director, Human Resources
Kelly Niklaus, Finance and Administrative Officer
Roy Conliffe, Director, Employee and Labour Relations
Explore the HR teams and support available
HR Systems
Providing oversight and technical support for all Human Resource Information Systems, workforce metrics and workforce insights.
Andrew Lee, Manager - HR Technology and Data Analytics,
Nilani Chandran - HR Systems and Reporting Analyst,
HR Systems is responsible for:
- Creation of job aids to assist access and navigation
- Level 2 Technical support (Banner HR module and MyHRConnection)
- HR Data Reporting and Analytics
For general system issues or inquiries with Banner or MyHRConnection, please email:
Employee and Labour Relations
Employee and Labour Relations provides advice and support to a broad range of University stakeholders in the areas of collective bargaining, collective agreement interpretation, grievance administration, progressive discipline advice, attendance management, performance management, and employment related policy development.
Dianne King, Senior Labour Relations Specialist,
Dianne’s labour relations portfolio includes:-
- Faculty of Science
- Faculty of Health Sciences
- Faculty of Business and Information Technology
- Graduate Studies
- Information Technology (IT) Services
- Institutional Research
- Learning and Innovation
- Library
- Planning and Analysis
- Registrar’s Office
Jacqueline King, Senior Labour Relations Specialist,
Jacqueline’ labour relations portfolio includes:-
- Academic Advising
- Advancement
- Communications and Marketing
- External Relations
- Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
- Faculty of Social Science and Humanities
- Finance/Office of Campus Infrastructure and Sustainability
- Mitch and Leslie Frazer Faculty of Education
- Research and Innovation
- Student Life
Caitlin Vlaskalin, Senior Labour Relations Specialist (LOA),
Organizational Development
Thriving organizations develop and exist through the integration of effective leaders, high functioning teams, engaged employees, and the agility to initiate, manage and socialize change. Organizational Development partners with leaders and teams to build on our strengths and to maintain organizational resilience.
We do this through consulting and by offering a wide range of learning and growth opportunities for our staff. Our programs, services, and resources enable our faculty and departments to plan strategically, manage change, build bench strength, create an inclusive culture, and enhance team and organizational effectiveness.
Jennifer Topping, Organizational Development Specialist,
Jenn is responsible for:
- Annual Employee Awards
- Change management
- Employee resources/toolkits
- Employee engagement
- Learning and development / Professional development
- Leadership programming
- Leader resources/toolkits
- Organizational effectiveness
- Organizational design
- Orientation events
- Onboarding program
- Performance development
- Performance improvement
- Probation
- Recognition
- Take Our Kid to Work Day programming
- Team facilitations
General inquiries can be directed as follows:
- Learning and development/professional development, please contact
- Performance Development, please contact for performance program related questions and for systems related inquiries.
- Recognition programs, please contact
The recruitment team works in partnership with the various hiring units at Ontario Tech University to meet our talent acquisition objectives. Our Recruitment Specialists provide support, coaching and consultative services to leaders and managers to support end-to-end recruitment, based on their assigned portfolio. Our Recruitment Assistant is the initial point of contact in the recruitment process to start the hiring process, and provides ongoing administrative support for our Applicant Tracking System (ATS) and Recruitment Specialists.
Keeshia Barksdale, Recruitment Specialist,
Keeshia’s portfolio includes:- Academic Advising
- Advancement
- Communications & Marketing
- External Relations
- Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
- Faculty of Social Science and Humanities
- Finance/Office of Campus Infrastructure and Sustainability
- Mitch and Leslie Frazer Faculty of Education
- Research and Innovation
- Student Life
Em Poor, Recruitment Specialist,
Em's portfolio includes:
- Faculty of Science
- Faculty of Health Sciences
- Faculty of Business and Information Technology
- Graduate Studies
- Information Technology (IT) Services
- Institutional Research
- Learning & Innovation
- Library
- Planning and Analysis
- Registrar’s Office
Brooke Michaelov-Carnegie, Recruitment Assistant,
Brooke is responsible for:- Hiring Request Form (HRF) referrals
- Posting consultation and development
- Administrative support for all posting requisitions in the Applicant Tracking System (ATS), MyHRConnection
- Contract administration support for Recruitment Specialists
All general recruitment inquiries email:
Total Rewards
The Total Rewards team overseas the planning, analysis and development of Ontario Tech’s total rewards programs including: compensation policies and program design; pension and benefits; job evaluation and design; compensation surveys; and pay equity analysis.
Emily Mitchell, Manager - Total Rewards,
Mark Salvador, Manager - Total Rewards (LOA),
Hayley Carey, Total Rewards Advisor,
Hayley is responsible for:
- Non-union/OPSEU Job Descriptions and Job Evaluation
- Job evaluation committee coordination
- Job design
- Compensation and pay equity analysis
- Position control
Samantha Woitzik, Total Rewards Advisor,
Sam is responsible for:
- Pension, health and dental benefits inquiries, including Heath Spending Account, Life Insurance and University Health Insurance Program (UHIP)
- Onboarding of new hires for employee pensions and benefits, and consultations for off-boarding (retirements and resignations)
- Maternity/Parental leave and Supplementary Unemployment Benefits, including consultation and documentation
- Staff Tuition Reimbursement Program (STRP)
- Dependent Tuition Reimbursement Program (DTAP)
All general inquiries regarding pension and employee benefits can be emailed to:
Anita Krupa, Total Rewards Coordinator,
Erica Rizzuto, Total Rewards Coordinator,
Anita and Erica are responsible for:- HRIS processing of all full-time continuing (new hires, secondments and promotions) and limited term employee contracts
- HRIS processing of full-time continuing and limited term resignations
- Electronic Personnel Action Form (EPAF) assistance and support
- Requests for letters of employment
- Probation Evaluation Forms
- Attendance management processing and administrative support
All general inquiries and employee information regarding limited-term staff can be sent to:
Wellness at Work
Our team is committed to supporting the health, safety and well-being of faculty and staff in support of our strategic priority, Creating a Sticky Campus.
Elise Arbic, Manager - Employee Health & Wellness,
Julie Day, Health and Disability Management Specialist,
Julie is responsible for:- Accessibility/Accommodation
- Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
- Health & Disability Management
- Leaves of Absence
- Return to Work
- Healthy Workplace Committee
- Mandatory Employee Training and Tracking
- Mental health and well-being resources, training, and events
Marrium Khalid, Environmental Health and Safety Officer (LOA)
Marrium is responsible for:- Accident/injury reporting
- Ergonomic assessments
- Hazard reporting
- Health and Safety (staff/faculty)
- Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC)
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)
General inquiries regarding Wellness at Work can be directed as follows:
- Accessibility, please contact
- Health and Safety, please contact
- Mandatory Employee Training and Tracking, please contact
- Mental health and well-being support, please contact
Office location
Campus Corners
2069 Simcoe Street North
2nd floor
Oshawa, Ontario
L1H 7K4