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Mental Health Week: Annually in May

Mental Health Week has become a Canadian tradition, with communities, schools and workplaces shining a spotlight on the importance of mental health.  

A message on Mental Health from the President

May Health Week Activities

  • Mental Health Tables - May 8, 2024

    Visit our Mental Health Tables to receive resources and free give-aways for joining or having already joined the TELUS Health One Platform!  

    Charles Hall:
    Date: Wednesday, May 8
    Time: 9:00a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
    Location: Charles Hall-Entrance Lobby

    North Campus:
    Date: Wednesday, May 8
    Time: 12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
    Location: Shawenjigewining Hall-Atrium

  • Staying Connected in Today's Digital World - May 9, 2024

    With the advances in technology we have today, connecting with others is right at our fingertips. However, loneliness is at an all-time high. During this training we will take a look at how technology has changed our day to day social interactions and how these changes have affected the way we connect and interact with others. We will explore ways to use technology wisely yet still maintain that personal touch in our relationships.

    Date: May 9, 2024
    Time: 12:00-1:00pm
    Location: Virtual, Zoom
    Target Audience: All faculty and staff


Mental Health Resources

  • Mindful Meeting Starters & Self-Care Practices

    All Ontario Tech University Faculty and Staff will have 1-year (May 2023-June 30,2024) of complimentary access to the Mindful Society Global Institute's Mindful Meeting Starters and Mindful Self-Care Practices.

    • Mindful Meeting Starters
      • Reference Guide
      • 8 Guided practices you can use to start meetings.

    • Mindful Self-Care Practices
      • 2 Reference Guides
      • 8 Guided practices validated to support mental and emotional well-being.

    Enroll now to receive complimentary access to this digital resource bundle!

  • Education/Training Opportunities:

    Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) - July 9 & 10

    ASIST is a two-day in-person workshop featuring powerful audio-visuals, discussions, and simulations. You'll learn how to recognize when someone might be thinking about suicide, and how to provide a skilled intervention and develop a safety plan with the person to connect them to further support. This workshop will increase your willingness, confidence, and capacity to provide suicide first aid.

    Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) - October 9, 2024

    The only international mental health training program that is being delivered in 25+ countries around the world.  Participants will learn how to support someone who may be experiencing a decline in their mental well-being or a mental health crisis.  A certificate from the Mental Health Commission of Canada is provided upon completion.  Register by September 20th.

    safeTALK - November 19, 2024

    Develop suicide alertness through in-depth skills to recognize signs of suicide, engage someone, and ensure a connection to safety. This session is facilitated by the Canadian Mental Health Association and participants will receive a certificate upon completion.

    The Working Mind - Employee - November 5, 2024

    Gain knowledge to identify shifts in mental well-being in yourself and others while learning coping skills to manage stress. Increasing our awareness about mental health will help reduce stigma associated with mental illness. Participants will receive a certificate of completion from the Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC)

    REACH Guidelines for Employees supporting Colleagues:

    As an Ontario Tech University employee, you’re in a key position to notice warning signs that may indicate that a colleague needs assistance. You do not need to be a counsellor/therapist to recognize the warning signs or to connect someone to support resources.  All employees can use these guidelines to support their colleagues.

    TELUS Health One platform: 
    All full time and limited term employees are invited to join TELUS Health One, an add-on to our existing EAP program. TELUS Health One provides an easy-to-use online platform and app with tools to promote and support health and happiness!  The platform also has a Perks section.  Check your Outlook inbox for your invite to join.  If you cannot find your email invite, please email to have the invitation resent.

    *Please update your website bookmarks to reflect the new TELUS Health One URL:, in place of LifeWorks' Essentials.


  • Additional Resources:

Have questions or need more information about Mental Health Week?

Please email