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Probation Reviews

Most new hires at Ontario Tech University serve a probationary period after hire, during which the employee has time to learn their new role and demonstrate their suitability for the job. It also allows the manager to evaluate the new employee and confirm that the right person was hired for the job.

During the probationary period, managers should meet regularly with their new hire to set and clarify expectations, identify training opportunities, and provide support while the employee learns their new role.

Each probationary period is different based on staff group:

Probationary and performance reviews for OPSEU and non-union staff will by stored by HR in MyHRConnection, and the employee should receive a copy for their own records. Employees are given the opportunity to acknowledge that they have received a copy of their review, and make any comments on the copy for file. Reviews for academic employees are stored in their individual files.

Teaching Faculty - Three-Year Review Process

  • Teaching Faculty (UOITFA) - teaching faculty serve a three-year period as an Assistant Professor. This appointment involve a three year review process. Refer to the UOITFA Collective Agreement (Article 15) for full details.

Managing the Probationary Period

Throughout the probationary period, managers should strive to take the following steps:

  1. Set expectations
  2. Conduct one-on-one meetings
  3. Conduct an interim review
  4. Conduct the final probationary review

Information for Managers of...

  • OPSEU and Non-Union Employees

    Full-Time Continuing employees have a probationary period of six (6) months. This probationary period may be waived in specific circumstances; please review the OPSEU Collective Agreement (Article 19.01b) for full details.

    Setting expectations: Within the first week of hire, managers should meet with the new employee to set and clarify job expectations, identify training opportunities, and provide feedback and coaching while the employee learns their new role.

    One-on-one meetings: Throughout the probationary period, frequent one-on-one meetings will help identify training opportunities, and provide opportunity for managers to deliver feedback and coaching while the employee learns their new role.

    Mid-probationary review: At approximately the mid-point of the probationary period, a mid-probationary review is required.

    • This review should be completed before the end of the fourth (4th) month of employment.
    • The interim review gives the opportunity to make sure the employee is settling into their new role and identify any areas where training is needed, or where the manager may be able to facilitate a better transition into the unit.

    Probationary Review: Before the conclusion of the probationary period, managers determine if the employee is suitable for the role and complete a probationary review.

    • The final probationary review should be completed no later than two (2) weeks before the end of the probationary period.
    • The results of this review must be communicated to the employee no later than two weeks before the end of the probationary period

    Information about the probationary period for OPSEU employees can be found in the OPSEU Collective Agreement (Article 19).

    If you have concerns about the employee's suitability for the role, contact your labour relations representative as soon as possible.

  • Post-Doctoral Fellows

    Post-Doctoral Fellows have a probationary period of three (3) months from the start date listed in their Appointment Letter.

    Setting expectations: Within the first week of hire, supervisors should meet with their post-doctoral fellow to set and clarify job expectations, identify training opportunities, and provide feedback and coaching while the employee learns their new role.

    One-on-one meetings: Throughout the probationary period, frequent one-on-one meetings will help identify training opportunities and provide opportunity for supervisors to deliver feedback and coaching while the post-doctoral fellow learns their new role.

    • For the employee, these meetings will ensure that any questions they may have about their role are answered.
    • For the supervisor, these meetings allow a chance to evaluate the employee's skills and abilities, provide feedback, and ensure they are adequately suited to their role.

    Interim review: An interim review mid-way through the probationary period is not required for post-doctoral fellows, but will assist in the onboarding experience for the employee.

    Probationary Review: To learn about the probationary review process for Post-Doctoral Fellows, please contact the Dean of the department they are working in.

    Information about the probationary period for Post-Doctoral Fellows can be found in the PSAC Collective Agreement for Post-Doctoral Fellows (Article 13).

    If you have concerns about performance or suitability for the role, contact your labour relations representative as soon as possible.

  • Teaching Assistants and Research Assistants (TA's and RA's)

    Teaching Assistants and Research Assistants have a probationary period of one (1) semester of employment. This probationary period may be extended to a second semester if the employee cannot reach the performance expectations during their first semester, but have shown that they would be able to do so with an extension.

    • If a Teaching Assistant or Research Assistant receives an extension to their probationary period, they must also receive a letter from their supervisor outlining areas for improvement.

    Setting expectations: Within the first week of hire, supervisors should meet with their post-doctoral fellow to set and clarify job expectations, identify training opportunities, and provide feedback and coaching while the employee learns their new role.

    One-on-one meetings: Throughout the probationary period, frequent one-on-one meetings will help identify training opportunities and provide opportunity for supervisors to deliver feedback and coaching while the post-doctoral fellow learns their new role.

    • For the employee, these meetings will ensure that any questions they may have about their role are answered.
    • For the supervisor, these meetings allow a chance to evaluate the employee's skills and abilities, provide feedback, and ensure they are adequately suited to their role.

    Interim review: An interim review mid-way through the probationary period is not required for teaching or research assistants, but will assist in the onboarding experience for the employee.

    Probationary review: Probationary reviews are not required for Teaching Assistants and Research Assistants. However, the supervisor of the TA or RA may conduct a performance evaluation once per Assistantship. This review will provide

    • Find more information about performance evaluations for TA's and RA's on the Annual Reviews page.

    Information about probationary periods for Teaching and Research Assistants can be found in the PSAC Collective Agreement for Teaching and Research Assistants (Article 12, subsections 5-7).

    If you have any concerns about an employee's suitability for their role, please contact your Labour Relations representative as soon as possible.

  • Teaching Faculty (UOITFA)

    Faculty association members typically hold the position on an Assistant Professor for three years. The end of this appointment involves a third-year review.

    • The third-year review may be deferred due to maternity, adoption, paternal, disability, or research leave. Please refer to the Collective Agreement for full details.


    Third-year review: Assistant Professors have a third-year review to end their probationary period. This review will provide feedback and advice to the faculty member on their progress toward gaining tenure.

    • The third-year review process begins on June 1st of the second year of appointment. Faculty members will be informed of their upcoming review by April 1st of the second year.
    • Faculty members are responsible for providing documentation to the review committee, as outlined in Article 19.04 of their collective agreement, by September 1st of the third year.
    • The result of the third-year review will be communicated to the Provost and the Faculty member by December 1st.

    Further information about probationary reviews can be found in the UOITFA Collective Agreement (Article 19).