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Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging

Ontario Tech University, as an inclusive community, encourages and supports individual and collaborative efforts to identify and address inequities, and we welcome and enable the contributions of all voices as we engage in diverse ideas, knowledge, and perspectives in the pursuit of equitable, diverse and inclusive excellence.


  • It's Bigger Than PRIDE - June 28, 2024

    Would you like to take a peek at diversity from a human rights vantage point? This is for you!!

     Have you ever wondered?

    • How is the conversation about PRIDE really about all of us?
    • Does your human rights lens give you a view of scarcity or abundance?
    • What if the answer was easier than we’ve all been led to believe?


    Who did we create this workshop for?  

    We are calling all those who are interested in meaningful conversations with the goal to connect us, not divide us.

     Come as an individual, or better bring your whole team. Share your insights, questions, and curiosity to spark intelligent and human-centered conversation. Leave with tips, tools, and prompts you can practice immediately and share forward with others.

     What is the Program About?

    In an era of us against them, it is critical to explore the principles or human rights and the universal desire for respect, as a way to bring us together in our workplaces, on our teams, and with our stakeholders.  There can be no diversity, inclusion or sense of belong without a foundation of human rights that society values, protects and promotes.  


    Sara Luther, Human Rights Lawyer and Founder of Forwardworking will guide you through her Colours of Culture© model that invites a robust, structured, and thoughtful approach to understanding your workplace landscape.  You’ll walk through the layers of core values, systems, practices, behaviours and relationships that will illuminate what’s tracking well, and where your environment is falling short – for you.  A “now what” plan is the final step to ensure everyone leaves motivated, and organized, to harness the collective discussion to do something a little different – and benefit us all.

    Light refreshments and Prizes!!

    Session is limited to 50 participants

    Date:  June 28, 2024
    Time: 9am - 12pm
    Location: ERC2056
    Target audience: All audience