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Annual Reviews

Annual Reviews provide a formal opportunity for supervisors and managers to meet with their employees regarding their performance. They give a chance to create a formal record of all the hard work and achievements over the past year, explore development opportunities, and summarize the insights gained through your one-on-one meetings.

These reviews look different for different employee groups.

OPSEU Members and Non-Unionized Staff

There are two reviews in the performance cycle for OPSEU and Non-Unionized employees. Mid-cycle reviews are conducted September 1st to October 31st. Annual Reviews are conducted midway through the winter semester, between February 1st and March 31st.

For the Annual Review, employee will self-assess how they did on their goals, and their Manager will review and rate their progress. Then, the employee and the manager will meet to have a discussion about how the year went and provide any feedback.

More information about the steps in the performance cycle and timelines can be found on the performance development home page.

Job Aid: Annual Performance Development Conversation Task:

  • Limited Term Employees

    Limited-term employees are not required to complete the performance development cycle. However, completing this cycle can be extremely beneficial for employee growth and morale.

    Many employees and managers enjoy having a process to follow and forms to use to guide discussions about professional development. The following forms have been developed to assist with performance development discussions with limited-term staff. These resources are intended to support staff and managers in rich dialogue about the past year's successes and to identify where processes can be streamlined in an effort toward continuous improvement.

    The forms as a discussion tool provide an excellent opportunity for managers to recognize the achievements and impacts of the work performed by their employees.

  • Non-Unionized Employees

    Performance development conversations are an opportunity for employees and managers to step back from day-to-day tasks and duties to examine and discuss past accomplishments and set clear goals for the future. As performance relates to 'SMARTER goals', we take the time to evaluate how we've achieved the objectives we established for ourselves. It's an opportunity to understand how to improve, celebrate what's been accomplished, and think about how we can develop professionally in the future.

    Goal setting takes place between employees and their managers in the April to June timeframe. THere are two reviews in the performance cycle for OPSEU and for Full Time Continuing Employees. Mid-cycle reviews are conducted September 1st to October 31st. Annual Reviews are conducted midway through the winter semester, between February 1st and March 31st.

    The performance development cycle includes the collaborative stages involved in the process of planning, monitoring, and reviewing performance. The process is centred on setting goals that are aligned with the strategic objectives of the organization.

    For the Annual Review, employees will self-assess how they did on their goals. Then, the employee and the manager will meet to have a discussion on how the year went and provide any feedback to each other. The manager will then complete the performance review and provide a final rating and the employee will sign off that they have received the review.

    More information about the steps in the performance cycle and timelines can be found on the performance development home page.

    Annual Performance Development Conversation Task:

  • OPSEU Employees

    Managers are required to complete an annual performance review and any other steps of Ontario Tech's performance development cycle. Further information about these requirements can be found in the OPSEU Collective Agreement (Article 20).

    The performance development cycle includes the collaborative states involved in the process of planning, monitoring, and reviewing performance. The process is centred on setting goals that are aligned with the strategic objectives of the organization.

    Performance development conversations are an opportunity for employees and managers to step back from day-to-day tasks and duties to examine and discuss past accomplishments and set clear goals for the future. As performance relates to 'SMARTER goals,' we take the time to evaluate how we've achieved the objectives we established for ourselves. It's an opportunity to understand how to improve, celebrate what's been accomplished, and think about how we can develop professionally in future.

Get Support

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