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Lifelong Learning

Lifelong learning is normally associated with formal education at school, college, or university.  That education is essential for a good career start.  But the nature of work keeps changing, workplaces keep changing, technology keeps changing, and the needs of this university (and every workplace) keep changing.  New skills and reskilling to meet current market demands and being able to maximize opportunities is important to employees.

We’ve all heard that we are preparing for jobs that don’t exist. The  talent requirements of every organization are changing. The gig economy and the increasing skills gap have had a severe impact on the talent marketplace. This applies to both individuals just entering the workplace and to individuals who have been working for years or decades.  It’s important to be able to demonstrate current learning and efforts around staying relevantly skilled.

Why?  What are the benefits of lifelong learning for the individual?

Here are just a few of the benefits:

Discover new interests

Learning new skills can open up new opportunities and possibilities. Learners may develop an interest in an area that they never explored before. Continuous learning fuels creativity and innovation, helping learners use their knowledge and skills in meaningful ways.

Build confidence through mastery

Lifelong learning is a voluntary initiative taken by the learner. The willingness to learn something new and excel at it is what makes learning effective. Pursuing a course, a new skill or a hobby willingly encourages learners to be the best they can be in their chosen pursuit.

Build practical skills

Lifelong learning teaches us practical skills. There are online platforms that offer a range of courses across subjects such as business, arts, health, personal development and more. Concepts such as budgeting/finance, improving communication skills, time management, or computer skills etc., can be learned.

Improves chances for job mobility

Job mobility is one of the main factors that influence learners to continue learning. Equipping oneself with new technologies and the latest skills sought by the job market improves the chances of getting better job opportunities. Engaging in lifelong learning helps learners stay competitive.

Improves adaptability

Learning something new might seem like a challenge at first. Post post-secondary, employees do find that they need to seek out ways to upskill to stay current in their fields.

Lifelong learning is not a concept that can be enforced upon learners. But, it is encouraged for self-development and growth. Learners can pursue continuous learning for either personal or professional reasons, depending on their goals and needs. Lifelong learning is about personal enrichment.

LinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn Learning

Offered for free via the Oshawa Public Library, LinkedIn Learning is an online learning catalogue with courses in a wide range of subjects. All you need to access is an OPL Library Card
Ontario Tech Continuous Learning

Ontario Tech Continuous Learning

Continuous Learning houses certificate programs and learning opportunities that support lifelong learning.