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Pension and benefits

Benefits plan

Ontario Tech University's benefits plan is designed to provide staff with comprehensive coverage and a level of flexibility that recognizes your unique needs. The benefits plan features medical, dental, disability and insurance coverage, along with a health spending account that provides our staff with the flexibility to pay for eligible healthcare expenses effectively. For more information on the university's benefits plan, please contact the Human Resources department. 

Pension plan

The university's pension plan is a defined contribution plan in which staff and the university work together to build retirement savings. Plan members are required to contribute a percentage of pensionable earnings to the plan each year as set out in the applicable collective agreement(s) or policy.  In addition, the university will contribute a percentage of an employee's pensionable earnings as set out in the applicable collective agreement(s) or policy.  Every plan member may elect to make additional voluntary contributions of up to three per cent of pensionable earnings and on an annual basis, an employee can decide whether the university's supplementary contribution of up to two per cent of pensionable earnings, is made to the pension plan or to the employee's health spending account. For more information on the pension plan, please contact the Human Resources department.

At a glance



The Ontario Tech benefit plan is designed to provide our staff with comprehensive coverage and a level of flexibility that recognizes your unique needs.
Disability Management Programs

Disability Management Programs

If you experience an illness or injury that is severe enough to impact your daily routine or ability to work, the University has programs to support you while you are at work, away from work, or returning to work.


Check here for information about the university's Defined Contribution Pension Plan.
Pension and Benefits Committee members

Pension and Benefits Committee members

Learn who is on the advisory committee for the pension & benefits plan.

Sun Life contact information