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PRAISE Program Criteria

Peers Recognizing Achievement In Standout Employees (PRAISE) program Criteria: 



To provide immediate and timely recognition to staff members who have demonstrated exceptional service or accomplishments, and/or who have made significant contributions to support a positive work environment at the university.


This recognition program is open to full-time, part-time and contract individual university employees (not groups or departments) who have demonstrated extraordinary performance and go above and beyond the usual requirements of their job. Any member of the university community may complete and send recognition to a colleague.


Submission of recognitions is encouraged for a variety of achievements and accomplishments. Here are a few possible reasons why you may wish to send PRAISE to a colleague:

Do you know an employee who:

  • Has significantly gone beyond his/her normal job requirements? 
  • Demonstrates high standards of customer service? 
  • Are they a problem-solver? 
  • Contributes to a positive work environment?
  • Challenges themselves to reach new goals?
  • Brings out the best in others?
  • Are they exceptional team players?
  • Are they innovative? 
  • Are they resourceful? 
  • Are they a self-starter?
  • Demonstrates excellence in the university's core competencies: service focus, results-oriented, integrity and accountability, collaboration, communication, and adaptability?

Recognition process:

To make this process as easy and convenient as possible, we have made the recognition form available on the Human Resources web page.

  • Submit the form for the individual you would like to recognize.
  • All recipients will be acknowledged in the Spotlight section of the university's website.

That's it! You have contributed to honouring our colleagues who make the extra effort to ensure the university community is a better place to learn and work.