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Workplace Skills

Ontario Tech employees have many opportunities to develop the skills and knowledge they need to advance in their careers. Managers and supervisors are encouraged to support their staff in pursuit of professional development and personal growth in order to contribute to a positive and productive work environment. 

Communcations Certificates

Communication today is very important both in the work world and in private life. Successful communication helps us better understand people and situations. It helps us overcome diversities, build trust and respect, and create conditions for sharing creative ideas and solving problems.  Good communication skills are essential to allow others and yourself to understand information more accurately and quickly. In contrast, poor communication skills lead to frequent misunderstandings and frustration.  

Program attendance and expectations

Those accepted into the cohort will be required to attend all of the sesions in order to obtain the certificate.  There will be no make-up sessions or content review for missed sessions.  Your colleagues in the cohort will rely on your participation.  Attending and actively participating in each of these sessions will maximize the success of the program and assure an optimal learning environment for all.


  • An expression of interest will be communicated out to the campus community
  • Those interested will respond to the expression of interest
  •  Human Resources will work with those who express interest and their leaders to approve employees into the program and  create the best possible cohort from those who expressed an interest.
  • Effective Workplace Communication Certificate

    Expressions of interest are being accepted for participants who are interested in obtaining a certificate in Effective Workplace Communication from Procept Associates.

    The schedule for this program is as follows:

    Presentations Skills Gabriella Fermo in person 8:30-4:30 Tuesday, January 9, 2024
    Communication in Action Bill Richardson in  person 8:30-4:30 Tuesday, January 30, 2024
    Communicating With Clarity Sami Fahmy virtual 1-4:30 Tuesday, February 27, 2024
    The Power of Collaboration Gabriella Fermo in person 8:30-4:30 Thursday, March 21, 2024
  • Empowering Communication Skills Certificate

    Expressions of interest are being accepted for participants who are interested in obtaining a certificate in Empowering Communication from The Soft Skills Group.

    The schedule for this program is as follows:

    Core Courses

    Foundation of Effective Communication 


    1– 4pm

    Tuesday, April 2, 2024

    Conflict, Collaboration, and Feedback


     1 - 4pm

    Thursday, April 11, 2024

    Change Management Strategies - the Human Side


     1 - 4pm

    Wednesday, April 17, 2024

    Enhancing Personal and Professional Impact


     1 - 4pm

    Wednesday, April 24, 2024

    Elective Courses
    Effective Time Managemnt and Productivity  Virtual 1 - 4pm Thursday, May 2, 2024
    Your Professional Brand and Networking Virtual 1 - 4pm Thursday, May 9, 2024
    Critical Thinking Skills Virtual 1 - 4pm Thursday, May 16, 2024


  • Agile Productivity in the World of Work

    Peer Learning. Weekly Micro-learning. Deliberate Practice.

    Most people, when faced with change and pressure to go faster, plan less. Yet the agile, productive response
    is to stop, think and plan more. This session will provide participants with highly practical strategies,
    incorporating Agile methodologies, to help them manage their projects, time and energy. Content
    of this two part program includes:
    • An introduction to Agile Methodology (with an emphasise on the Scrum framework) providing
      participants with an understanding of what the Agile approach is all about - key principles, ceremonies,
      artifacts, etc.
    • Highly practical, specific best practices to help participants apply Agile, and other core productivity
      practices, to help them better manage their projects and workloads
    • How to apply smart time-blocking strategies for proactively carving out time for their key deadlines
      and priorities. (instead of waiting for a “good time” when there’s nothing else to do, and no
      more change or uncertainty)
    • An opportunity to share and discuss tools that are available and how and how they might be used
      even better and with more consistency to support Agile productivity practices. We’ll also provide
      participants with a tool to help them plan out and manage multiple priorities/projects simultaneously
    • Agile productivity is all about helping people & teams adjust to change. We’ll provide participants
      with powerful, solution-focused strategies to help them explore and negotiate priorities as change
      happens and multiple requests come at them
    • How to “resist the noise” of technology (email, IM ) and create small windows of high quality, undistracted
      focus time to do quality, focused work
    Agile Productivity in the World of Work - Session 1 virtual 10am -12pm Tuesday, April 2, 2024
    Agile Productivity in the World of Work - Session 2 virtual 10am -12pm Tuesday, May 14, 2024


  • Fall Semester: Interact-Align Certificate in Communication

    This communication program will assist participants to interact successfully with others, align with others to obtain positive outcomes with less frustration, and to amplify the control that each of us has to make communication an empowering reality. 

    Myers Briggs - Find Your Style



    Wednesday, Oct 30, 2024

    Having a Service Mindset



    Wednesday, Nov 13, 2024

    Dealing with Conflict and Negativity at Work



    Wednesday, Nov 20, 2024

    Empowerment:  Fact, Fiction, Application



    Wednesday, Dec 4, 2024