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Hazardous Waste Management

Hazardous Waste Management Program

Ontario Tech University is committed to the proper  management of hazardous waste.  This will  minimize risk to employees and students and ensure compliance with Environmental regulations.

This program applies to all laboratory and other operations which generate hazardous waste in the form of:

  • Chemical
  • Biological
  • Radioactive
  • Sharps

The objective of this program is to provide information and instructions to safely and in an environmentally responsible manner, handle and manage all the hazardous waste generated within the campus.

The basic elements of the Hazardous Waste Management Program are:

  • Waste minimization
  • Packaging requirements
  • Labeling requirements
  • Storage requirements

The associated waste handling procedures are mandatory when preparing waste for disposal.  Waste not prepared in accordance to these procedures will not be accepted for disposal.

 Hazardous Waste Management Manual

 Equipment Decommissioning Form

Hazardous Waste Summary for Disposal

 University Waste Coordinators