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Healthy Workplace Committee



The university recognizes our people are our greatest asset and is committed to enabling a positive community of empowered individuals who embrace happiness and wellness by adopting healthy lifestyles, attitudes and behaviours.


The Ontario Tech Healthy Workplace Committee is a collaborative group of employees advocating for positive and healthy workplace culture by:

  • Delivering initiatives to promote healthy lifestyles.
  • Encouraging university-wide participation by listening and responding to employee needs.
  • Providing resources to empower employees.


The purpose of the Ontario Tech University Healthy Workplace Committee is to develop, deliver, evaluate, and sustain a comprehensive workplace health and wellness program which supports the physical, emotional, and psychological well-being of University faculty and staff.


The Committee will provide recommendations to the University on the development, implementation, and maintenance of a systematic approach to improve and sustain optimal levels of physical, emotional, and psychological wellbeing.