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COVID-19 Emergency Preparedness Plan Assistance

Update June 29, 2020:

The University is transitioning back to on-campus lab activities and research. All workers currently on campus must follow the Guidelines for Working on Campus During COVID-19More guidance documents can be found on the COVID-19 Response (Infectious Disease Program) webpage.

For general information on the overall Campus Return to Work Plans, please visit the Ready For You Website.  

Please note: COVID-19 emergency preparedness information will remain on the Health and Safety Website due to the dynamic nature of the pandemic.


Previous Update April 2, 2020 (not applicable anymore): 

  • The university is currently conducting essential research and lab activities on-campus only. Researchers and lab personnel will not be allowed to access their on-campus spaces unless approved by the VP Research and Innovation and Risk Management in order to be classified as essential research and/or lab activity.  

  • Essential researchers and lab personnel who are continuing to perform on-campus work during this time must follow public health recommendations (see more below).

  • Researchers and lab personnel should keep in mind the following below:

Stay Current

Plan Ahead

Accessing Laboratory Spaces During a Period of Essential Research and Lab Activities Only On-campus

Unless classified as essential research or lab activities, lab personnel will not have access to their research laboratory space.  Approval must be given by the VP Research and Innovation and Risk Management.  The approval procedure  can be found on the Extended Closure of Research and Laboratory Activities webpage.

If You Are Essential Research or Lab Personnel: 

You must follow public health recommendations while working on-campus:

  • follow all laboratory rules and procedures,

  • follow the check-in/check-out rules of the university, found in the March 24, 2020 COVID-19 update,

  • practice proper hygiene (wash your hands, cough or sneeze into a tissue or the bend of your arm, dispose of any tissues you have used as soon as possible in a lined waste basket and wash your hands afterwards),

  • maintain physical distancing of at least 2 metres,

  • avoid crowding and non-essential gatherings while working,

  • no more than 5 people for essential gatherings,

  • avoid common touch greetings, such as handshakes,

  • stay home if you are ill,


Previous update:

March 20, 2020