Change Management Resources
"Tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it...yet." ~ L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables
"Change has never been this fast, yet it will never be this slow again. You are rightly anxious about how quickly our existing business models are being disrupted. Still, if you’re anxious, imagine how the folks who aren’t in this room are feeling." ~ Justin Trudeau’s speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos-Klosters, Switzerland January 23, 2018
“Your life does not get better by chance; it gets better by change.” ~ Jim Rohn
As a manager tasked with overseeing organizational change or guiding your employees through it, it’s important to know what the process looks like and what to expect.
Change management is a discipline that focuses on managing change within an organization involving employing approaches to prepare and support individuals, teams and leaders in executing on successful change. It is used when you might be considering a restructure, redirecting or redefining resources, updating or refining business process and systems, or introducing or updating digital technology.
Organizational change management (OCM) main goal is to transform culture and capabilities so that the organization can embrace change as a continuous process. OCM is a process for managing the people side of change within an organization. It’s about appealing to and winning over the hearts and minds of the people involved and/or impacted in the change. It is designed to help organizations ensure that their employees are aligned with and committed to a new direction/initiative.
Ontario Tech’s Change Methodology includes:
- A little bit of thinking up front and then,
- planning for change
- managing change, and
- reinforcing change
Before you Start
- Review the Change Management Process Change Plan Template
- Know your Sponsor - Get a clear vision of the change via the Sponsor Interview Template
- Scope the change using the change characteristics worksheet and/or the change characteristics assessment