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Mask FAQ

Ontario Tech University continues to require everyone on campus to wear a mask while within campus buildings. 

  • Why is there a mask requirement?

    The health and well-being of our campus community remains Ontario Tech University’s top priority. We recognize that our ability to maintain physical distancing in some congregate settings will be a challenge. To help minimize the spread of COVID-19, the university’s existing mandatory mask directive will continue in all university buildings until further notice. 

  • What is considered a suitable mask?

    The university strongly recommends:

    • A three-layer mask (woven outer layer, non-woven middle layer).
    • Note: Scarves and bandanas are not suitable masks.

    Individuals must ensure their mask is close-fitting, covering nose and mouth area completely, in order for the mask to be as effective as possible to slow the spread of infection.

  • Will the university enforce mask wearing?

    Health and safety is everyone’s responsibility. Mask wearing is a critical component of our safety plan.

    We expect our campus community to show understanding and compassion towards one another and continue to wear masks as a simple, effective way to keep one another safe and support our collective well-being. Individuals must comply with the university’s mask directive unless they have a university-approved accommodation. *

    If you encounter non-compliance, please offer a gentle reminder. Enforcement will depend on the individual’s relationship with the university, the nature of the incident, where it occurred, and the impact on others who were in the same area.

    Note: Individuals will have the option to remove their mask:

    • While teaching (instructors) or while presenting (students/presenters), as long as physical distancing can be maintained.
    • While working alone in an office or cubicle.
    • When actively eating or drinking. Please avoid drinking and eating in classrooms and labs.
    • While participating in athletics, fitness and other physical activities.

    * See Can I get an accommodation to the requirement to wear a mask? for details about accommodation requests.

  • Am I required to wear a mask while teaching?

    Instructors may choose to not wear a mask while teaching and students/presenters may choose to remove their mask while presenting, as long as physical distancing can be maintained.

  • Can I get an accommodation to the requirement to wear a mask?

    The university recognizes some students, faculty and staff may require accommodations. We are committed to an accommodation process in which individualized needs (e.g. on the grounds of a medical condition) are thoroughly considered. An accommodation will be considered where there is objective evidence to support the need for it.

    Employees: Contact Maureen Calhoun, Health and Safety Officer.

    If you’re unable to wear a mask, you need to make your supervisor aware.

    If you become aware of a student who is unable to wear a mask, direct them to Student Accessibility Services.

    Students: Contact Student Accessibility Services before arriving on campus.

    If you’re unable to wear a mask due to an accommodation, you need to make your professor or research supervisor aware prior to arrival.