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Take a Body Break

Are you feeling like a desk jockey? Tired or tense muscles? Experiencing eyestrain?

Sitting at a desk for extended time periods can have an adverse impact on your health. Are you interested in taking breaks and reducing the risk of such things as repetitive strain injuries and low back pain?

Here are some tips for your physical, emotional and mental well-being:

Take a walk

Even a 10-minute walk can help you to feel re-energized! Send a friend an invite, check out your neighbourhood or explore the beautiful surroundings at Ontario Tech University!


  • Utilize LifeWorks Essentials, the University’s Employee Family Assistance (EFAP) provider to discover helpful resources for navigating safe computer use by searching key words like stretching or computer breaks. 
  • Access our Wellness at Work, Wellness Resources page under the 'Physical' section to view content in relation to taking care of your Physical well-being. 
  • Workout at your Desk! Watch this YouTube video to guide you through a 5-minute Yoga exercise:
  • Make space for calm! Watch this YouTube video to guide you through a 3 minute stretch break!:
  • Try 6 chair exercises that can be done at your desk! Read here for tips that will support your physical wellbeing and help to prevent strain and discomfort!

Grab a nutritious snack

Take the time to fuel your body with a nutritious snack. In doing so, take a moment to relax your mind and listen to calming music before returning to your workstation.