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Training Module 1: Sexual Violence Education and Prevention (faculty and staff)

Welcome to Ontario Tech University's online sexual violence education and prevention training for faculty and staff at the university.

Completion of this training module is strongly encouraged; it supports the university’s ongoing efforts to oppose all forms of sexual violence on our campus and reinforces the university’s commitment to creating a campus environment free from violence. It further supports the university’s efforts to educate faculty and staff about the policies and procedures developed in response to Bill 132's Sexual Violence and Harassment legislation.

In this training, you will find information about the sexual violence policies and procedures for students and employees of the university, learn about how to report an incident of sexual violence, and learn about the supports available both on and off-campus to employees and students who experience, or witness, sexual violence and harassment.

As employees of this university, it is our responsibility to be aware of these policies and available resources, and to foster a culture where sexual harassment and sexual violence are not acceptable or tolerated.

In this training module you will develop skills to help you:

  • Identify ways of behaving as an employee that supports a consent culture, increase the safety of our community, and help eliminate violence and sexual violence at the university.
  • Identify what constitutes violence in the workplace and sexual violence in the workplace, and understand harassment and sexual harassment.
  • Understand that violence, including sexual violence, can be disclosed or reported, and access to support does not require a formal report.
  • Understand how to apply active responses when you see any type of violence in the workplace and help others if they tell you they’ve experienced violence, including sexual violence.
  • Receive a disclosure and explain to the discloser how to access resources for help.

Training Frequency:

This training must be completed within the first 4 weeks of hire. 

Note: This training module is not compatible with Internet Explorer.


Training Module 2 – Responding to Disclosures of Sexual Violence (faculty and staff)

With funding support provided through Ontario’s Action Plan to Stop Sexual Violence, Western University has partnered with George Brown College and an advisory committee with representatives from Brock University, University of Toronto, York University, University of Windsor, Sault College, Fanshawe College, Queen's University, Ontario Tech University, Nipissing University, the Ontario Coalition of Rape Crisis Centres and the Canadian Federation of Students to investigate the training needs of campus support workers on both university and college campuses, and to design and produce a modular, online training program that can be adapted to the needs of individual institutions.

This online training employs scenario-based interactive learning, a style that meets the needs of adult learners, engaging them in identifying and evaluating effective responses to disclosures of sexual violence. Components of effective interventions to enhance organizational capacity are also incorporated, ensuring that the confidence to intervene, and a sense of responsibility, are shared amongst campus members working in various roles and departments.

Learning outcomes:

  • Improve the knowledge and skills of faculty and staff in Ontario colleges and universities so they are prepared to support survivors of sexual violence at the moment of disclosure.
  • Teach how to apply a strong gender analysis and anti-oppression and intersectional approach to providing supportive disclosures.

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