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Just For the Health of It Photo Contest

2024 People, Places, Pets and Peers Photo Contest

Please click on this link for more details about the 2024 People, Places, Pets and Peers Photo Contest!

People, Places and Pets

To support the university’s commitment to a healthy workplace, the university’s Healthy Workplace Committee (HWC) offered all employees over the summer, an opportunity to acknowledge the remarkable people, cherished places, and beloved pets that have brought them joy, comfort, and/or solace.

We would like to thank everyone for participating in this annual event. Although not all photos could be selected as winners, each one tells a unique story of cherished moments, beloved pets, and the remarkable people and places that bring us joy, comfort, and solace. 

Contest Winners!

First Place: Amy Windsor, Office of the Registrar


"Vimy Ridge Monument was Touching, Surreal and heart breaking. I’m so grateful I was able to take my children (and my son’s friend) here and experience this with my parents (Dad’s taking the pic). It’s so warming we left our footprints where soldiers saved our lives." 


Second Place: Samantha Rideout, IT Services




"Here’s a photo of my 1-1/2 year old daughter, Charlie. Toddlers have a way to remind us of the simple joys in life – The fresh air as we walk through our yard, the yummy cucumber treat from our garden, and stopping to smell the flowers!"

Third Place: Stephen De Wit, Faculty of Health Sciences




"My friend and I strike a pose! We don't get to see each other often but when we do we go all out and do it in style.  I love how she embraces the times to be silly, stretches my boundaries, and accepts and celebrates me for who I am. I like to think I do the same for her."

First Place: Samantha Woitzik, Human Resources Department


"Snapped this shot at the trailhead to Ha Ling Peak, Bow Valley Wildland Park, Alberta. It instantly gives me a feeling of calm, serenity and how nature can heal one’s soul."



Second Place: Isabel Savransky, Office of Campus Infrastructure and Sustainability




"I have experienced a tremendous amount of joy paddle boarding around the Toronto Islands this summer as it is such a unique blend of city and nature.

Third Place: Stephen Marsh, Faculty of Business and Information Technology




"Arctic Ocean, July 29 2023. Getting there took lots out of us, being there gave us so much more back."

First Place: Kavya Pandhi, Finance Department



"My pet budgies, Rio (blue), and Leo (green) bring me a lot of joy and heavily contribute to my overall wellbeing. As an Ontario Tech employee who primarily works from home, it gets lonely not having anyone to talk to daily until dinner time. Rio and Leo may be tiny, but they are very loud, and lively, and always know how to keep my spirits up. I enjoy playing with them and building a motherly relationship with them, and whenever I get stressed, I pay them a visit outside of my office as they always seem to help me de-stress."


Second Place: Nathalie Fitzsimmons, Library




"Where are you going? Isn't it your WFH day?"

Third Place: Veronica Scatton, Office of Learning and Innovation




"My son and his new best friend; a stray cat my mom found hiding in the stable at her ranch (don’t worry, he’s gotten all of his shots). They spent almost all of their summer days chasing each other around the yard and cuddling."

2023 Submissions!

We appreciated all of the photo contributions and wish to share additional submissions from our university community in the gallery below!


Are you interested in finding out more about how People, Places and Pets help promote overall well-being?

Take a closer look into the powerful ways that People, Places and Pets contribute to enhancing your well-being. Explore the influence of connections with others, the restorative powers of natural environments, and the remarkable benefits of pet companionship. Explore these three categories and unravel the secrets to cultivating a fulfilling and balanced life.


Discover the profound impact that close connections with people can have on promoting overall well-being. In this comprehensive document, LifeWorks (now TELUS Health) provides valuable insights and practical tips on how to foster meaningful relationships, cultivate a support network, and nurture emotional bonds. 


Immerse yourself in the healing power of nature. Watch this captivating video that explores the mental health benefits of spending time in natural environments. From reducing stress to enhancing mood and boosting creativity, nature has a transformative effect on our well-being. Experience the wonders of nature by watching this video.


Unleash the joy and well-being that comes with owning a pet. This enlightening video delves into the numerous ways pets positively impact out mental, emotional, and physical health. From providing companionship to reducing loneliness and stress, discover why pets are truly our faithful allies in promoting overall well-being.